Frequently Asked Questions

  • Is Earth really travelling at over 66,000 mph around the Sun?
  • How accurate is the distance calculation based on when I was born?
    • The distance calculation uses some approximations that affect the calculated distance in a minor way. For example, the calculation is based on the number of days since the birth date. To be more precise would require entry of the precise time of birth. Given we are travelling over 66,000 mph you can understand the affect of this approximation is minor compared to the billions of miles travelled around the Sun in a typical lifetime.
  • Can I buy distance gifts if I live outside of the UK?
    • Currently not through the website, but do contact us with your requests and we will see what we can sort out for you.
  • Why do the distance gifts take longer to be delivered than when I buy something from Amazon?
    • Each gift is made for you on demand once you place an order. This reduces waste but does take a little longer.
  • Where is your contact information?